Monday, July 27, 2015

What I Read May/June

I got a little behind on my book reviews, but here is what I read for May and June.

 First up was The Selection series by Kiera Cass. Occasionally I read books that are a little more 'fluffy.' They don't have a ton of substance to them, they are not classics or make you dig deep while reading them, but they are fun to I that's why I call them 'fluffy.' It's not a bad thing, it's just another way I classify books. :) This series is definitely fluffy and I read through it quickly, but had a lot of fun finishing it up in just a few days. The only thing I sometimes don't like about these type of books are all the lovey dovey scenes. I think they always go a little overboard. There wasn't anything in here too steamy, but it still bugs me. Other than that I enjoyed reading about the character, America Singer, and how she finds herself in the unlikely position of competing for the throne. There is one more book I'm waiting to read in the series that I am in line for at the library.

Next was So Big by Edna Ferber. This book was a 1924 Pulitzer Prize winner. The thing I loved most about this book is the character of Selina. She is strong and pushes on with hope and direction, despite her challenges. The last part of the book moves to the perspective more of her son, Dirk, and those parts I didn't enjoy as much as when the narrative was focused on Selina. I enjoy books where I get to learn the culture of a distinct time, place, and people, and this one takes place in and around Chicago at the turn of the century. I had never heard of this book or author until I saw the recommendation on Goodreads from someone, and it makes me want to go read other Pulitzer Prize novels I'm not familiar with.

Finally I also read Happier at Home by Gretchin Rubin. If you are familiar with her book The Happiness Project, then this one is very similar, except she took the same ideas from there and applied them all to goals focused on her life at home and with her family. I am a very goal-oriented person myself, so I enjoy reading her books and seeing her process for goal setting and making progress. I also enjoy all the research studies and various things she references in her books. It was a good read.

That was it for those two months, I have slowed down a little in my reading this summer, but still find time to enjoy a book now and then. What have you been reading?

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