Thursday, August 20, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Talking to Jesus

Note: Many people do Throwback Thursdays on Instagram or blogs by posting a picture of themselves from the past. I am using Throwback Thursdays to write stories from my past. Hope you enjoy taking a trip with me down memory lane!

A fun, quick little story for today. This happened when my oldest boy was about five-years-old. We had been running errands for the day and I had my kids in the car with me as we zipped from one place to another.

As we headed home for the day, I had started thinking about a situation with another person that had me feeling completely frustrated. If you know me, I have had a habit of talking to myself since I was a small girl. I still talk to myself frequently, especially when I am feeling frustrated about something or just need to talk things out to make sense of my thoughts. I started mumbling to myself up there in the front seat of my car as I drove, thinking about the situation and quietly talking it out.

During this little talk to myself, I guess I got a little louder than I realized, because I heard my little boy calling out to me from the back of the car.

"Mommy?" he said a couple of times to get my attention.

"What buddy?" I finally responded.

He paused for a second, then in all seriousness he asked, "Are you talking to Jesus?"

I wanted to start laughing at his cute and innocent question. Instead I just smiled to myself and realizing how frustrated I had been feeling I said back to him, "No, I'm not. But maybe I should be!"

I love how my children make honest and cute observations. I love being their mom. And I love that my little boy made the assumption his mom would be someone who's talking to Jesus. :)

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