Reading with my kids. I have always loved reading, and as a mom I have really loved reading with my kids. I have read with all of them almost every day from the time they were babies. The best is when all I have to do is sit down at the couch with a book and they all snuggle up to me to read together.
Being a consistent budget-er. I could tell you practically every purchase I have made since I
was 16 years old. My dad taught me how to make and keep a monthly budget, and
after that time I have done it every single month. I’m not absolutely perfect
when it comes to finances. I have had a few impulse buys and dumb purchases like
everybody else. But whether it was a good purchase or a bad one, you better
believe I recorded it on my budget sheet. (Of course I will say I don’t have
many bad purchases, because when you are keeping track of everything it does
help you stick to your budget and I do usually stick to mine :)).
Regularly making and eating
three meals every day. I have been borderline hypoglycemia since I was
young. I have to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at about the same time every
day or I get sick. Really sick sometimes. And for the most part it has to be
good food, not junk. So I have my body to thank for being good at this.
Regularly cleaning
out my email. I like deleting ones I don’t need and organizing the rest
into their various folders. I also try really hard to respond as soon as
possible to people’s emails.
Getting showered,
dressed and ready for the day. For some people, this is a given. But if
you are a stay-at-home mom to young kids you understand why I feel like this is
something to celebrate. I wasn’t always great at this, being home with little
people all day can sometimes throw a kink in things. But I have been really
good at it the last few years and it makes me feel good to get up and ready
each day…even if I’m not going anywhere.
There’s my simple list. What are some of the simple things
you are good at?
1 comment:
Yay! I love celebrating the drops of awesome! Good for you!!
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