Thursday, May 8, 2014

Throwback Thursday-My Sister's Wedding

Note: Many people do Throwback Thursdays on Instagram or blogs by posting a picture of themselves from the past. I am using Throwback Thursdays to write stories from my past. Hope you enjoy taking a trip with me down memory lane!

My oldest sister is 15 years older than me. She got married when I was five years old. There are only two things I remember from her wedding:

1.  My other sister (who is two years older than me) and I wore matching shoes and dresses. But she got to wear slip-on shoes, and I had to wear shoes with buckles. Apparently the slip on style didn’t come in my size. I remember being a little upset about this and thinking it was unfair. Slip on shoes were just so much more grown up!

2. At the reception there was a water fountain that was part of the decorations. My little brothers and I kept wanting to play in it and splash in the water. My Grandma tried to bribe us with some mint candies from her purse. She told us if we didn’t play in the fountain, she would give us some of those candies. I think we kept playing in the fountain, and I’m pretty sure she kept giving us candies. :)

Like it is for most families, my sister’s wedding was a big day. There was a lot that went on, special moments, and time spent with family. But these are the main things my five-year-old mind kept from that day. Even those simple memories though, bring a smile to my face. It makes me wonder now as a mom to little chickadees what kinds of memories their minds will hold on to. I hope most of theirs bring a smile to their face, too. :)

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